
Sunday, 20 September 2015

Welcome to Grade 4!

Welcome to another year at Givins/Shaw and your child's first year in the junior division. We're only two weeks into the year but we've already begun several exciting learning activities in Room 16. In Math we are reviewing number sense and learning about big numbers and place value. In Writing we're working on using precise nouns and vivid verbs to make our writing more interesting. The students will be building a contraption using pulleys and gears in Science, and we've already begun our first unit in Dance!

You can help your child by ensuring he/she is well prepared for school every day. A list of required materials can be found on this blog. Also, please ensure that your child has a quiet place and a scheduled time to do homework. Check your child's agenda every day. All due dates, homework and important dates will be recorded there. Being on time for school is crucial - please assist your child in getting to class on time.