
Sunday, 20 September 2015

Welcome to Grade 4!

Welcome to another year at Givins/Shaw and your child's first year in the junior division. We're only two weeks into the year but we've already begun several exciting learning activities in Room 16. In Math we are reviewing number sense and learning about big numbers and place value. In Writing we're working on using precise nouns and vivid verbs to make our writing more interesting. The students will be building a contraption using pulleys and gears in Science, and we've already begun our first unit in Dance!

You can help your child by ensuring he/she is well prepared for school every day. A list of required materials can be found on this blog. Also, please ensure that your child has a quiet place and a scheduled time to do homework. Check your child's agenda every day. All due dates, homework and important dates will be recorded there. Being on time for school is crucial - please assist your child in getting to class on time.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Scientists in the School - Matter

We will be having a scientist in our classroom on Thursday, May 21. We will be learning all about matter! I would like to have one parent volunteer - if you're interested and able please email me. Thanks!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Authorfest  will take place next Wednesday, April 1, at Dovercourt P.S. Permission forms will come home shortly. Parent volunteers are welcome. This year's author is Eric Walters.

Sunday, 22 February 2015


I'm sorry to announce that the ferry will not be running tomorrow so we will not be able to proceed with the trip. We will put another plan into place and communicate it to you as soon as possible.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Google Docs

Room 16 will be learning how to use Google Docs! For those of you unfamiliar with the programs, Google Docs are free online wordprocessor, speadsheet and presentation programs. Using Google Docs will allow the students to work together on projects and share information online, and to work at school or at home. In order to use the programs, students will need an email address. I will be creating these gmail addresses for school purposes only. I will maintain the passwords and accounts, and I will delete all accounts in June upon request. The email addresses will all be If you have any objection to the creation of a gmail account for your child please let me know. Thank you!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Television Viewing Habits

In our next unit in math, we will be learning about the collection and organization of data. Over the next couple of weeks your child will be working on a number of tasks to do with gathering data, organizing data, and presenting the data graphically. To begin this unit, I will be asking students to keep track of how much television they watch over a seven-day period. It is important that your child think about how to collect and organize the data, as the method used will be discussed in class. The students will have opportunities to present their data graphically and to compare their data with the information collected by their classmates.
Thank you for your continued support!